New Farms for New Americans (NFNA) is a “charity” operated by the NGO “The Association for Africans Living in Vermont” (AALV). The goal of this NGO is to take arable land in the State of Vermont and give this land to third world refugees who were not born in America. AALV has helped facilitate the resettlement of over 300 refugee households in 2015 alone. In addition to giving refugees farmland, AALV has also helped refugees find jobs, which results in working class Americans having to compete with refugees who are often willing to work for cheaper wages than native born Americans.
NFNA Funding sources, according to their own website.
However, NFNA claims to have a budget that fluctuates, year to year and ranges from $50,000 to $100,000. The majority of NFNA’s claimed funding comes from grants. Some of these grants are from federal agencies such as the Office for Refugee Resettlement (Part of the Department of Health and Human Services) and the Rancher Development Program (Part of the Department of Agriculture). NFNA also receives funding from the Vermont State Government through the Local Food Market Development program (part of the Vermont State Agency of Agriculture).
According to NFNA more than 50% of the refugees who they have resettled in Vermont are of Bhutanese origin, with most of the rest being from the sub Saharan African nations of Somalia and Burundi.
The Institutionalization of Chain Migration
I was not able to verify the identity of everyone on the board of the Association of Africans living in Vermont. But of the fourteen member board there were at least five different African immigrants and/or refugees on the board of AALV Martha Thiei Machar, Ngu Yves, Fatuma Bulle, Victor boardman, and Alex Pial.
Chain migration is the phenomena of when immigrants from one area help bring other immigrants from their homeland to the country of destination. By allowing these immigrants and refugees to have a state funded NGO that facilitates more immigration from these immigrants African homeland, the native born people of America are deprived of one of the most important tenants of self-determination. The right to decide who to and not to let into their communities.
I am sure that these immigrants face tough situations in their home country. But if their countries of origin keep losing their most talented members to emigration then these countries are much less likely to develop. Because of this, mass immigration does not solve the problem of poverty in the third world, it only prolongs it.
The issue with this immigration is that these shadowy NGOs who partake in mass migration do so without public knowledge or approval. There was no referendum in Vermont to approve of refugee resettlement into the state, the public never gave their approval to NGOs like AALV/NFNA to partake in the facilitation of scale refuge resettlement. Resettling refugees into an area has many negative externalities such as increased infrastructural burden, increased competition for housing, and an oversupply of low skill labor which harms the native born working class. I have no hatred towards these refugees as individuals, however this deprivation of America’s native born people’s right to self-determination is a fundamental problem with the political order Americans live under.
Martha Thiei Machar in 2009 receiving a diploma and alumni scholarship from the Community College of Vermont.
Keep in mind that AALV has a much higher budget than NFNA. AALV has a revenue income of over $3,200,000 in 2021. AALV has partnered with the University of Vermont to provide refugees with tutoring, skill development training, career readiness training, mental health training, sexual health training, hygiene training, as well as “fostering comfortable environments where learning can happen.” Your imagination is as good as mine for figuring out what that means.
As part of AALV’s collaboration with UVM is NFNA’s collaboration with UVM alumni. Twenty three year old UVM alumni and double major in global studies and religion, Evie Wolff is a big fan of NFNA. She thinks it is an important part of refugee community building. Evie who wants to become a professor or have a career in food security or refugee resettlement is interested in doing research with NFNA.
A refugee resettled by AALV.
Potential Agricultural disaster?
As part of New Farms for New American’s efforts to resettle refugees onto American farmland, their exists a subprogram called “Culturally Significant Crops” where agricultural crops, some of which are not native to North America, are used in agriculture. One crop that is native to North America and is grown under this subprogram is Amaranthus.
One subspecies of Amaranthus is Palmer amaranth, this species is resistant pesticides which forces farmers to use more pesticides around it as well as acting a weed and ruining more traditional North American crops. Palmer amaranth was responsible for destroying two million acres of farmland in Georgia in 2010. It is not known what subspecies of Amaranthus is grown by NFNA associated refugees, it is known that Amaranthus subspecies can hybridize and produce fertile offspring, though it is uncommon, the science of Amaranthus hybridization is little studied, thus how much of a danger growing Amaranthus in farmland next to traditional North American crops is to other crops. Amaranthus cultivation could be a particular danger to organic farmers and small farmers unable to afford specific pesticides while probably being of little nuisance to large agribusiness.
Some may claim that there is low risk of their being negative consequences, this may be true, this may be false, we don’t know because Amaranthus hybridization and its risks to agriculture are not well understood by modern science.