Americans have long observed the erasure of their culture and standard of living at the hands of a spiritually foreign elite which have imported large numbers of immigrants with open hands at the expense of the native inhabitants. This replacement is disguised behind allegedly well-meaning, smiling duly-elected officials who claim that more immigration helps their fellow American. One of the chief arguments by immigration proponents is that America needs more immigrants to fill employment positions that would otherwise go unfilled. Despite massive unemployment, many states have pushed for the evergrowing numbers of work visas for foreigners. One of these is North Dakota in the heart of the American Midwest. An important factor in evaluating the truth of the mass immigration lobby’s claims is the replacement ratio. In other words, are more Americans born each year than are dying. Children are the workforce of tomorrow, and the immigration lobby contends in many cases that new immigrants are needed to address the fertility problem. As will be demonstrated in a moment, the push for increased immigration is being pushed even in states where there is natural population growth in excess of annual deaths. The replacement rate in and of itself is not the basis on which our elites import large numbers of immigrants.
North Dakota has one of the highest Total Fertility Rates (TFR) in America, in 2018 North Dakota’s TFR was 2.03 births per women, above the two child per women replacement ratio which allows for steady economic and population growth without immigration. (1) In spite of this fact, on April 21st, 2023 North Dakota’s Republican governor, Doug Burgum, signed new legislation with bipartisan support to create the Office of Legal Immigration. The goal of this office was to attract immigrants into North Dakota and increase ethnic diversity within the state. (2) When signing this bill, state government officials stated that North Dakota has a low unemployment rate of 2.1% and many job openings which needed to be filled with immigrants. This analysis ignores the economic reality that increasing the supply of labor to fill low wage job openings results in decreased demand for labor and lower wages which harms North Dakotan workers, yet in spite of this, Governor Burgum decided to go ahead with increased immigration in direct opposition to the interests of North Dakotans and the wishes of his voters. (12)
The goal of the Office of Legal immigration (OLI) is to create a “statewide strategy” to increase immigration to North Dakota. As part of this the OLI will advise Governor Burgum and the North Dakota state legislature to create new pro-immigration legislation as well as work with other state government agencies to implement pro-immigration policy. As part of this effort the OLI is creating a “pilot program” in cooperation with business in North Dakota that use immigrant labor. (3)
The OLI lists several organizations as partners under their website’s “Community Support” tab. One of these organizations is the Immigrant Development Center (IDC). (3) The IDC owns a property in Fargo called the International Market Plaza where in 2017 the IDC placed a multicultural mural. The style of this “art” is aesthetically similar, but of a poorer quality to the socialist realism popularized by the early Bolsheviks. This “art” was deconstructed by patriot front activists in 2022. (4) However, the IDC is launching an $8,000 initiative to repaint the “artwork.” (5)
Besides artistic propaganda, the IDC-owned International Market Plaza in Fargo also hosts immigrant owned businesses, which the IDC has tried to market as high-end dinning. (6) To assists immigrant businesses, the IDC offers them financial services, marketing services, advertising services, management services, HR advice, and several other services. (7) In addition to these services, the IDC also provides loans to immigrants who don’t have a US credit score or US credit history. (8)
The IDC receives funding from several organizations; including the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota Foundation, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and several others. (10)
The IDC’s private donors and the support the OLI has received from North Dakota’s chamber of commerce (11) clearly underscores a pattern of big business using immigrants to suppress the wages of working class Americans. The fact that so many tolerate the destruction of their community for short term profits is disgusting and shows what has gone so wrong in the country. The art sponsored by the OLI does not accurately portray the America its people desire, but represents the intent to erase Americans from their own land by maintaining the pretense of a multicultural utopia.
These greedy business owners need to be put in their place and told that their short term economic interests are less important than the long term interests of the nation as a whole. And if these business can’t survive without foreign labor maybe these business should just be allowed to fail on their own accord. Any nation which puts short term economic gain over the interests of national identity and national survival is doomed to witness its destruction and inevitable erasure from the world stage.